Join the waitlist for the Spring, 2024 Cohort:

Your divine feminine energy is waiting...

It's been lying dormant in your body your entire life, waiting for the moment you finally say YES to letting her rise.

Now that you're here, she's rumbling...can you feel her magic?

She KNOWS the juicy, pleasurable, magnetic life full of love, peace, connection and joy that's available to you if you'd just let that masculine armor down and let your inner Femme AWAKEN...




 Slow down and surrender into pleasure...but just BEING sounds stressful AF and you have no clue where to start. Like, getting a massage without thinking about work or your never ending to-do list sounds great but HOW??? 

✨ Be your partner’s LOVER vs. his MOTHER so that you can bring the intimacy, passion, and depth back into your relationship (yes, it IS possible no matter how long you’ve been together!!). You want to spend more time rolling around in the sheets making sweet love than bitching at him to load the dishwasher properly, take care of his clothes, and change his outfit because he doesn’t match…😬

✨ Meet your career goals with more EASE and feel deep gratitude, pride, satisfaction, and celebration vs. hustle to achieve them just to feel like you’re still not doing enough and have the bar raised yet again to the next goal...

FEEL YOUR FEELINGS when they arise, vs. numb & avoid every sensation of anxiety, stress, loneliness & frustration with food, Netflix, more work, or another vice... 

Let’s be honest, how many hours do you spend watching Netflix every night…like GIRL, there’s absolutely a time & a place AND, life is too short to waste it immersed in other people’s stories…you have your own to write and LIVE!!! 

Gain a deeper understanding of why you’re so quick to react to comments or situations that upset or annoy you, and learn how to instead, respond with grace...

Because you’re confused as to why you snap at your children and partner so much when they’re the ones who mean the most to you in this world??? Imagine if you could respond with love like the Goddess that you are! Imagine being solution-oriented when challenges arise, but in a way that doesn’t leave your husb or your child feeling like they’re always doing something wrong...

✨ Claim your role as the CREATOR of your life, intentionally creating both your inner world & how you feel on a day-to-day basis, AND your outer world & what you experience...


I'm here to tell you that YOU CAN AND show you the way.

Do you check any of these boxes?


✔️ You've done your good-girl due diligence and prioritized everyone else’s happiness and needs over your own. You’re ready to finally say YES to YOURSELF and your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

And like, you’re realizing that this model of being selfless 100% of the time no longer works because by the time you get to the end of your day you’re exhausted and have nothing to give but comments that vibrate on the frequency of resentment and frustration. You desire to embody your true, unconditionally loving self all of the time!!

✔️ You long for genuine sisterhood.

🤍 The kind of friendships where you leave the coffee date feeling rejuvenated, uplifted, and inspired by the conversation vs. mentally cluttered and physically exhausted from all the venting and shit-talking that just took place.

🤍 The friendships where you can both hold a sacred, loving space for each other to be your real selves and bring the highs, lows, and in-betweens of life, trusting that you’re going to be met with acceptance, love, and support.

🤍 The peaceful, loving relationships with the women in your family; your mother, daughter(s), sister(s), sister-in-laws, mother-in-law, aunts, cousins, etc. 

🤍 The ability to be happy for other women when they’re thriving vs. overtaken by jealousy. 

🤍 Deep in your bones, you can FEEL the power of women when we all RISE TOGETHER and YOU want to be a part of this movement!

✔️ You desire to treated like the Goddess that you are.

Giving yourself permission to receive - help, compliments, gifts, money - lights a part of you up and also feels cringe & impossible... WOMAN, you are physically built TO receive and not letting yourself do so is keeping you trapped in your masculine energy. You are worthy & deserving of receiving the love you give so freely and in this program you’re going to viscerally remember and accept this truth.

✔️ You want to feel lit-up and turned-on by yourself and life!

✔️ You want to feel MAGNETIC, IN LOVE, AND ALIVE ✨

What Alumni has to say about The Femme Awakening...



What Alumni has to say about The Femme Awakening...