This work actually isn't about "changing your life..." | Live Series

Sarah was recently on a call with one of her mentors and had a breakthrough...this work isn't about "changing your life." Though she's been wording it this way for the past 5 years, that ends now. This is the start of a new era. One where we realize that this work is about shifting & upgrading OURSELVES and our inner worlds, and because we're the constant in every area of our lives, our outer world morphs and upgrades naturally as we do...

CLICK HERE to enroll in Next Level New Year!


0:00 - 2:48: Intro Music

2:49: Lesson 


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💗Self Love & Pleasure

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🍑Physical Health & Well-Being

👩‍❤️‍👨Intimate Relationships




👼🏽Babies/Raising Children

🧘🏽‍♀️Practices/Tools for Growth 




50% Complete

Two Step

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