I know that the acne on your face brings you to tears.
I know that it makes you want to hide forever.
I feel your pain so deeply, because I experienced it for 12 years.
& I must have you know that the glowy, clear skin you desire IS available to you.

TRUST ME: If I can achieve this, SO CAN YOU.
You are your own medicine & the magic within your body has the ability to create the radiant skin you desire.
There were times in my journey where I didn't believe this so I understand if you don't take my word for it now, but I'm begging you to just stay open-minded.
I've tried EVERYTHING in the books to heal my skin:
✔️ TWO rounds of Accutane
✔️ Birth Control
✔️ Multiple doses of Spironolactone
✔️ Every single other drug for acne (like, seriously - the dermatologists would repeat meds bc I went through them all)
✔️ Topicals & creams
✔️ Almost every single brand of products on the shelves + multiple natural brands
✔️ Laser treatments
Nothing truly worked for me; all of those things temporarily served as "Wite Out" to the symptoms I was experiencing (acne) that were being caused by a deeper issue.
I've been through the wringer only to discover, YEARS later, all of the secrets we're not usually taught by Western Medicine (think, Dermatologists).
Opening my mind to the Holistic Health realm was my key to clear skin, and it may be yours, too.
I totally believe that part of the reason why I struggled with this for so long is so that I could be here to serve you, guide you, and lighten this journey for you.
So now, I'm giving you every single detail of how I finally healed my skin, for good.

✔️ Every detail of how I cleared my skin holistically & got my period back (after it was missing for two years), without the use of drugs or chemical filled topicals
✔️ Foods I ate + cut back on
✔️ Supplements I took & take now to support glowing skin
✔️ How I discovered the root cause of the acne I experienced
✔️ Physical, mental, & emotional practices I embodied that profoundly helped + still help to maintain this skin and keep my hormones balanced
✔️ How to live confidently with acne while your body & skin are in the healing process
✔️ How to create clear skin, consistently
✔️ My full skincare regime + a conversation w/ the founder of KPS Essentials
✔️ How to soothe breakouts until they clear
✔️ A chat in investing into your health & well-being
✔️ How to know if gut health issues or a hormone imbalance is hindering you from the health & appearance you desire
✔️ How to start balancing your HORMONES to feel better + access your divine, innate feminine energy
✔️ How to work with the FOUR phases (yes, four!) a female's body goes through monthly (menstrual, follicular, ovulation, luteal) so that you can create clear skin & a thriving body
✔️ How to support your body if you're making the choice to come off of hormonal birth control & switch to a non-hormonal form
✔️ How I healed my hormones + gut to clear my skin & get my period back after going off of birth control
✔️ A recorded visualization meditation that I used to help clear my skin
✔️ Books I read to gain the knowledge + wisdom I have about my body that guided me through my entire journey (& still do!)
✔️ Functional Medicine Doctors I worked with to heal my gut
✔️ What to watch out for in product ingredients (makeup included) that may be making your skin break out or causing further damage
✔️ Skin nourishing vs. damaging foods
✔️ Video lesson on the quickest + easiest way to apply foundation that TRULY COVERS
✔️ How to use Gua Sha + Jade Rollers for extra youthful + glowy skin!

what others are saying:

Heather B.
"I enjoyed this training so much! I learned not only how important it is to nourish your skin and body with the proper foods, drinks, supplements, makeup and skincare but also to nourish it from the inside out. No matter how hard we work on the physical if we don't start the inner work that is a huge part of the problem we will never be happy with our results. I love how Sarah tied all of this together for us in this course! Anyone who is struggling with these issues (or even not struggling) should get in on this because the amount of info here is UNREAL! Thank You so much Sarah for taking the time and putting this incredible class together for us!"

Jessica T.
"Loved every part of holistic glow! I’ve been on the journey to heal my skin for a long time and I feel like this course was exactly what I’ve been needing! I love that the skin care line Sarah uses is free of harmful chemicals. I love that she provides us with a list of chemicals to watch for. I love the mindset coaching and inner child healing meditation that was included. The hormone and gut healing was also amazing. I feel so excited to be a women and continue loving and healing my body."

Andrea E.
"The compassion and dedication Sarah to this topic was reflecting in every minute of this presentation. I loved how Sarah made such a complex and sometimes intimidating subject of hormone imbalance and gut health so simple and user friendly. I’ve learned so many tips that I will carry with me through my day to day."

Sabrina H.
"THANK YOU for sharing your knowledge, inspiration and energy. I am so grateful for this course. I learned so much about my body, cycle, health, and how to feel the best you possibly can. Sarah, I can not thank you enough for this course!!...I am seriously so thankful for you and this course."

Eloise W.
"Sarah's holistic glow course has shown me how to take control of my life finally. I have the tools and information I need to start my own inner self work alongside starting to balance my hormones and harness the true power of my divine self. I could not recommend her enough for any woman who is experiencing skin concerns, self confidence issues and wants to dig deeper to find out why."

Brooke S.
"...I didn't know what to expect and the mini course exceeding expectations tons of great content and really appreciate your authenticity...So grateful to find this course and invest in my health. Looking forward to trying some of the products mentioned!"

Heather H.

✔️ You struggle with acne and drugs don't seem to work for you (or you simply would rather take the holistic route instead of rely on drugs)
✔️ You're struggling with symptoms of a hormone imbalance (missing period, painful periods, irregular periods, low energy, trouble losing or gaining weight, hair problems just to name a few)
✔️ You sometimes question whether or not it's even a possibility for you to have the skin you desire...
✔️ You have a hormone imbalance or gut health issues
✔️ You desire radiant skin & want to learn how to help your body create it
✔️ Acne takes a toll on your confidence + overall quality of life
✔️ You desire to learn more about WHY we tend to break out in acne
✔️ You're SO ready to hop on the path to holistic healing & want that extra push to begin!

☛ You're looking for a quick fix. While I'll provide tips that may make improvements in your skin quickly, this course is not a magic pill. Magic pills do not exist - the magic is in the journey :)
☛ You're seeking medical, professional help. While I will provide names of the doctors I worked with, I am not a medical professional. I'm just a girl with experience & self-study from my 12 year journey to clear skin ( + a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach!)
☛ You want this to be an end all be all. I get it; I wish there was a "one size fits all," too. This mini course will provide you with an abundant amount of tips that you can implement + wisdom on what the root of your acne may be, but post self-study is required since everybody's bodies are so different (which I will provide resources for :)
*all sales are final :)

I'm SO excited to guide you onto this path!
If you have ANY questions about this course, send me a DM @sarahjeanharken on Instagram or email me [email protected] so we can make sure it's a perfect fit for you!

Sarah, this course exceeded my expectations beyond belief. I feel so reinvigorated to take control & responsibility for my skin, gut & hormones. I'm armed with the power to do so after your loving encouragement & education on these topics...You are a legend! :)"