Hey, Love.
I know the toll that's taken on your overall quality of life because of the struggle you have with emotional & binge eating.
Once upon a time I would turn to food when stressed, sad, worried, anxious, even when I was happy!
Emotional & binge eating had been a part of my life and the lives of those around me for so long that I thought it was normal and just something we have to live with.
I THOUGHT I just didn't have "will power."
I THOUGHT I just enjoyed the taste of food too much.
I THOUGHT that my life would revolve around food, forever.
I THOUGHT that I'd always be stuck in the diet/binge cycle, losing & gaining back the same 15 pounds because of it.
Fighting with food = fighting with life.
The day I discovered that there was a way to heal the relationship that I had to food & my body, everything changed.
When I was first introduced to the idea that emotional & binge eating have NOTHING to do with the food, I was shocked and I have to admit, a bit doubtful, but also excited & hopeful.
Once I dove in open-minded & realized this truth for myself, everything changed.
Healing my relationship to food, ditching diet culture, & connecting to my body deeper than I ever knew was possible enhanced my human experience in every single way:
✔️ My self worth & self confidence sky rocketed
✔️ I fell deeply in love with myself & my entire human experience; even the challenges
✔️ My career took off
✔️ My relationships improved
✔️ My happiness hit an all time high & continues to expand every single day
✔️ I learned more about who I truly am than I ever would have imagined happening in this lifetime.
Healing my relationship to food was truly the beginning of my spiritual awakening.
Trust me when I say that if I can overcome this, so can you.
In this mini course, I'm giving you the top seven concepts & practices that really started to move the needle forward in my healing journey.
MODULE 1: Finding Safety In The Body
Learn how to feel safe to house your emotions in your body instead of numb them with food or another vice.
MODULE 2: Mind/Body Connection + Intuitive Eating
Mind/Body connection is key; when the mind & body can talk it makes it easier for the mind to stop eating when the body is full.
MODULE 3: 6 Human Needs & Core Beliefs
Sometimes we think we just "don't have will power" when really, our actions are subconsciously meeting one of our six human needs. Learn how to meet each need in a healthy way that's more in alignment with your highest self and where you desire to go.
MODULE 4: Food Rules VS. Food Boundaries
Creating food rules leads to all sorts of mind fuckery, making it more likely that we break the rules, spiral, feel guilt for breaking the rule, and proceed to numb that pain out with more food. Learning how to shift those rules into loving boundaries is key.
MODULE 5: Releasing Guilt
Carrying guilt on our shoulders from past events (that we cannot change) or shame from the way we've acted leads to more pain that our human minds tend to numb with food + other vices. Learn how to accept and release the weight of the past in this module.
Plus You Get:
Three transformative meditations:
One to guide you to find safety in the body
One you can do on the verge of a binge to help calm your system
& One that will help you cut ties with the past
Four PDF guides:
Tips for Intuitive Eating
Core Beliefs Worksheet
6 Human Need Examples of negative & positive ways we meet them
Healthy Boundary examples
what others are saying:

Ginger T.
"I loved the course. I learnt so much about my relation to my body and how it affects my relationship to food. The course is deep and Sarah is engaging and motivating. It is really helpful to have resources to follow my journey. Thanks a million Sarah!!"

"Of course I enjoyed this! I always thought that journaling wasn't for me, I was more into meditation...but I did complete all of the journaling homework you gave us and OMG! I didn't expect how much deeper I was able to look inside my mind and my body. I still have a long way to go in this journey to be my highest best self but this course provided me with the best way to start my journey <3"

"Loved this course! Never realized that I was holding on to the past. I was harboring shame and guilt over something that I thought I had forgiven myself for. Only attracting negative energy by suppressing these thoughts."

Hawra M.
"This course helped me understand why I end up feeling shit after a gathering even if I LOVED and felt LOVED by all the people I was with."

Erica P.
"This course has been a discovery for me. I discovered how much I tend to hide my emotions and not face them. The mediations are the most relaxing I have ever done..."

✔️ You're ready to start this journey but just want to dip your toes in & aren't ready to fully commit just yet
✔️ You have the desire to learn a few simple tips that you can begin embodying TODAY to help you overcome the emotional & binge eating struggle
✔️ You currently believe that there's no way out of emotional & binge eating and don't see how it could be possible
✔️ You're skeptical that emotional & binge eating aren't about the food
*all sales are final :)

I'm SO excited to invite you onto this journey!
If you have ANY questions about this course, send me a DM @sarahjeanharken on Instagram or email me [email protected] so we can make sure it's a perfect fit for you!